Do Not Solicit Signup

Sign up to add your address to the Do-Not-Solicit list for the City of Union!

You can sign up any time and your address will be added to the list.  Every five years, a new registration list will be created and everyone will have to re-confirm that they want on the list.  Once a person is signed up, your address will remain on the Do-Not-Solicit list until the next time a new registration list is created (which is every five years) but you always have the option to withdraw or add your address at any time.

Only your ADDRESS will be provided to solicitors, no names will be provided.

This will be the address that appears on the Do-Not-Solicit list.
By entering your first and last name in this box, you are attesting your digital signature to signup for the Do-Not-Solicit list for your address in the City of Union, OH.