Hydrant Flushing - 2023
The City of Union will be flushing fire hydrants starting Wednesday, July 5, 2023, from 8:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon,... more ››
Gas and Electric Aggregation on the May 2nd Election Ballot
The City of Union, in partnership with the MVCC (Miami Valley Communications Council) is placing electric and natural gas aggregation on... more ››
City of Union combined water and sewer costs!
The City of Union has the fourth lowest combined water and sewer rates out of 66 jurisdictions. More than $100 less than the average... more ››
Memorial Day Holiday and Trash Delay
The City of Union office will be closed on Monday, May 30, for the Memorial Day holiday and will open on Tuesday, May 31, at 8:00 am. Due... more ››
The City of Union Egg Hunt is back!
Come celebrate Spring and enjoy watching children "scramble" for 4,000 eggs!The egg hunt will START at 10:30 am so get there early at 10:00... more ››
Dates for city wide Garage Sales!
The dates for the City of Union garage sales have been set!For the summer sale, June 9, 10, and 11, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. For... more ››
Tax Payer Assistance - for City of Union income tax
Mr. Eric Hein from CCA will be at the City of Union on Monday, March 11, 2024, from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm and again on Thursday, April 4,... more ››
Congratulations to the 2021 Holiday Lighting winners!
Check out this year's addresses of homes chosen by the Union Park Board for the best lighting and decorationg displays for the... more ››
The trash pickup schedule will NOT change due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Trash pick up will still be on Tuesday, January 18.
City Hall CLOSED on January 17, 2022 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. NO DELAY IN TRASH
December 31, 2021 - Union city hall closed for New Year's.
The Union offices will be closed on Friday, December 31, 2021 for the new year's holiday. The office will re-open on January 4, 2022 at 8:... more ››
December 24, 2021 - City Hall Closed
The City of Union office will be closed on Friday, December 24 for the Christmas holiday. The office will open on December 27, 2021 at 8:... more ››
Union Martindale Road and Frederick Pike Water Main
Please see the attached file with information on the water main being installed down East Martindale Road and Frederick Pike.
SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN!! Saturday, December 18th at 1pm, Santa Claus will be riding on a fire truck, escorted by... more ››
City Hall Closed Thursday and Friday, Nov. 25 and 26 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
The office will open Monday morning, 8:00 am on November 29. There will be no trash delays for the week and trash pick up will occurr on... more ››
Veteran's Day
The City of Union office will be closed on November 11, 2021 in observance of Veteran's Day.The office will be open on Friday, from 8:00 am... more ››
Center for Disease Control Guidelines for Halloween 2021
Please see information from the CDC on celebrating Halloween this year.
Trick or Treat - October 31, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Halloween Trick or Treat in Union will be held on Thursday, October 31, 2024, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.People that want to participate can... more ››
Leaf Pick up starting October 18!
The City of Union will start picking up leaves on October 18, 2021. Leaves can be raked to the curb and cars should be removed from the... more ››